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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Violence Theory And Gender Role Theory - 942 Words

The violence that surrounds homes can be summarized in the culture of violence theory and gender-role theory. The culture of violence theory looks at the broad acceptance of violence in our society and concludes that its acceptance is the foundation for violence within the family. Gender-role theory blames the traditional socialization of children into gender roles. Domestic violence plays a huge part in which parent will have custody of minor children. The culture of violence that is presented tries to understand why and how violence is committed in the family. The culture of violence theory looks away from the violence in the house hold. Violence inside our homes is not to be questioned outside of the home. Police involvement was not a primary concern when dealing with an in house altercation. Violence is still occurring and over the last century or so we have started to really analyze what is happening in homes. Parents have been known to watch sibling’s fights and just consider it bonding or children being children. These actions are encouraging children to fight amongst themselves. Words are not always enough to end arguments. Words should be all you need to end an argument one answer should be more logical than another or a compromise should be able to be made. When words fail which happens a lot of history as all of the wars are recalled. Violence somehow changes viewpoints you either kill your enemy or forced them into believing your view points.Show MoreRelatedEssay on Theories of Causation of Crime and Its Solution 1250 Words   |  5 Pageshistory of criminal theory, spiritual and natural theories are taken as major theories of causation of crime. During medieval period, spiritual explanations were taken as punishment given by god for doing wrong things and any natural disasters like flood, fires, etc were evaluated as curse of high power. 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